Review Process

The review process consists of the following steps:
  • Submission of the manuscript.
  • Editorial board checks if the submitted manuscript is within the scope of MJEE. We also check for the general layout of the manuscript and especially the style of references provided, tables and figures. If necessary the manuscript will be returned to corresponding author for corrections, or in case of major discrepancies, automatically rejected, with possibility of resubmission.
  • The manuscript will be send to at least two independent reviewers. We kindly ask the reviewers to complete the review of the manuscripts in 28 days (4 weeks). However, the process may take longer depending on the availability of the reviewers and quality of the manuscript. If reviewers choose, they may remain annonimous.
  • The decision of the reviewers and their suggestions are sent to the corresponding author. In some cases, the reviewers may ask to review the manuscript again (in case when the manuscript requires major modifications).
  • To be published, manuscripts must be approved by all reviewers. The authors have to accept the reviwers' sugesstion, or provide justified explanation why they have rejected them, in a rebuttal letter.
  • After corrections are made by the author(s) the Editorial board checks for manuscript consistency (style) and further improvements may be required.
  • Editorial board provides pre-publication version of the article to the corresponding author for final corrections.
  • On-line publication of the article.
  • Hard copy of the journal is published at the end of the calendar year.


    Acceptance rate in the last five years: 76.7%.