Variation in number, lenght, width and depth of stomes in the leaves od Tilia argentea in the urban parts of the city of Skopje and its vicinity


  • Saško Jordanov Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Agency of Environment, Skopje, R. Macedonia
  • Atanas Gudeski Faculty of Forestry, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
  • Milto Mulev Institute of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Skopje, R. Macedonia


Tilia argentea, leaves, stomas, density, lenght, width, depth, air pollution


This work presents the findings of the analysis performed on the stoma's apparatus of leaves of Tilia argentea Desf. (silver-leafed linden) from localities with different air pollution level (Aerodrom and Chair from the urban parts of Skopje and Panorama from the periphery of the city, located in the foot of the Vodno mountain). The investigations on the stoma's apparatus of leaves of Tilia argentea were carried out in 1992, and they relate to the density of the stomas on mm2 , their length, width and depth with regard to the epidermis. The investigations have analyzed the number of stomas on mm2 , their length and width in µm on macerated intercostal areas, taken between the middle nerve and the edges of the leaf, from the upper, middle and lower part of the leaves. The maceration was done according to the Schulz method. The depth of the stomas was measured on a cross section of leaves of a silver-leafed linden. The sections were done with a manual microtome to a depth of 15-25 µm. On the basis of the average values of the counting and measurements of the analyzed parameters on 7-8 microscope preparations, it was concluded that in the measuring points Aerodrom and Chair (where one has measured higher yearly average values of the concentration of smoke in the air) in leaves of Tilia argentea, the number of stomas on mm2 and their width are lower on the average in comparison with the same parameters from the locality Panorama. The length of the stomas and their depth with regard to the epidermis are lower on the average in the silver-leafed linden from the locality Panorama.




How to Cite

Jordanov, S., Gudeski, A., & Mulev, M. (2005). Variation in number, lenght, width and depth of stomes in the leaves od Tilia argentea in the urban parts of the city of Skopje and its vicinity. Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment, 9(1-2), 61–67. Retrieved from