Utilization and accumulation of Zn and Mn in Quercus frainetto phytomass in Bulgaria


  • Mariana Ljubenova Department of Ecology and Environment Protection Faculty of Biology Dragan Tsankov Blvd 8, 1421 Sofia, Bulgaria


phytomass, heavy metals, biological utilization, accumulation, acauntment (content)


The acauntment of Zn and Mn in Quercus frainetto Ten. model trees has been studied. This research was done by the method of the atomic absorption in 3 different fractions of phytomassleaves, annual branches and wood. The model trees have been chosen from 3 parts of the country: Kamchia mountain, Sarnena gora and the north-east parts of Rodopa mountain. There has been done a dendrological analysis of the acauntment. The aim of this research is to study the biological accumulation, utilization and the correlative dependence between the acauntment of these vitally indispensable trace elements. As a result of the analysis some interesting regularities have been determined. It was found that Zn is accumulating predominantly in the wood and Mn - mainly in the annual branches and leaves, which is connected with the content of this elements in the soil. It has been observed a directly proportional for Zn and inversely proportional for' Mn dependence between the average acauntment of the elements in the phytomass fraction and the age of the forest. The dendrological analysis shows a cyclic reccurance of the elements utilization in 5 years perriod. Such information may be used and for the environmental protection aims.




How to Cite

Ljubenova, M. (1997). Utilization and accumulation of Zn and Mn in Quercus frainetto phytomass in Bulgaria. Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment, 5(1), 21–28. Retrieved from http://mail.mjee.org.mk/index.php/mjee/article/view/44